
Miss Miller - amiller@grovecitychristian.org

5th Grade 

We've had a great week!  We worked on finishing up a few things with Henry Ford and the Wright Brothers this week.  We also spent some time working on some map skills.  With the anniversary of 9/11 this week, we also took time to remember that and we actually looked at a few of our patriotic songs and studied a bit about their history.  Our essential question for this unit is "How can growth and prosperity be both a blessing and a hindrance to a nation?"  We are exploring that as we work through the chapter.  We will have a unit verse with each chapter.  I pick a verse from scripture that fits with the theme of our chapter.  We study it together throughout the chapter, talk about what it means and how it fits with the chapter.  At the end of the chapter, it will be on the test in fill in the blank format and students will also have to tell how it connects to the chapter.  The unit verse for chapter 9 is Job 22:12.  It is posted in Google Classroom.  If your student would like a hard copy, please let me know.  Today, we continued our unit on the states and capitals.   Our new section is the Eastern border states and capitals. They will have a quiz next Friday (September 20).  They will need to know the capital of each of the  states we learned today and be able to place it on the map.  They completed a study guide today in class that was sent home with them today.  Let me know what questions you have.  God bless!

6th Grade 

We had a good week.  We had some really good conversations this week as we finished up our lessons on chapter 1.  This chapter does an excellent job of setting the stage for our study of ancient civilizations this year.  We finished up the unit with an open book test yesterday and today.  We will begin our unit on Mesopotamia on Monday. Let me know what questions or concerns you have.  God bless!