Marvelous Math

Sara Moore -

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5th Grade

This week we continued decimal place value and writing decimals and fractions and fractions as decimals. We took a quiz over that topic on Friday. Next week, we will begin roman numerals and we will have a test over chapter 1 on September 25th. 

Once a week, students will be given a warm-up. This is one question each day they will answer when they arrive in class. Each student is only given one paper and are expected to turn the same paper in at the end of the week.  If they lose the paper and end up finding it, they can turn it in for a late grade. If they can not find the paper at all, they can get a notebook paper and copy down the questions and that can act as their warm-up for the week. If they use notebook paper, they will not receive full credit part of the grade comes from holding onto the warm-up all week. It is the students' responsibility to keep track of the paper all week as they are instructed to put it in their math folder. 

Please continue to study multiplication facts at home. Math fact fluency is the foundation to math class. 

Once a week we will be taking math facts timed tests. We will start with 01 facts. There are 100 questions and each test goes in for a grade out of 10 points. Every fourth test taken will be a quiz grade. I am looking for 90% accuracy in a 6-minute time frame.  I have sticker charts in the room for students to track their progress. If they don't score a 90%, they won't receive a sticker. When we have finished all timed tests listed below, students that did not score a 90% will go back and retake those tests.  

For reference the order will be: 0-1, 2, 3, 4, 0-4, 5, 6, 7, 5-7, 8, 9, 10, 8-10, 0-10, 11, 12, Final 0-12.

If your student needs extra practice with lessons we are doing in class, IXL is always a great resource. They already have an account created (log in through Clever) and can search for the specific topics we are covering in class and practice. Khan Academy is a great resource as well. 

If at any time you have questions about math class, please reach out. My email is above! 

6th Grade 

This week we have been focusing on power of ten and writing numbers in expanded form using expanded.  Next week, we will begin evaluating expressions and then solving expressions. We will have a test over chapter 1 and the lessons we've studied on September 25th. 

Once a week, students will be given a warm-up. This is one question each day they will answer when they arrive in class. Each student is only given one paper and are expected to turn the same paper in at the end of the week.  If they lose the paper and end up finding it, they can turn it in for a late grade. If they can not find the paper at all, they can get a notebook paper and copy down the questions and that can act as their warm-up for the week. If they use notebook paper, they will not receive full credit part of the grade comes from holding onto the warm-up all week. It is the students' responsibility to keep track of the paper all week as they are instructed to put it in their math folder. 

Once a week we will be taking math facts timed tests. We will start with 0–1 facts. There are 100 questions and each test goes in for a grade out of 10 points. Every fourth test taken will be a quiz grade. I am looking for 90% accuracy in a 5-minute time frame.  I have sticker charts in the room for students to track their progress. If they don't score a 90%, they won't receive a sticker. When we have finished all timed tests listed below, students that did not score a 90% will go back and retake those tests.  

For reference the order will be: 0-1, 2, 3, 4, 0-4, 5, 6, 7, 5-7, 8, 9, 10, 8-10, 0-10, 11, 12, Final 0-12, Division 1, 2 3, 4

If your student needs extra practice with lessons we are doing in class, IXL is always a great resource. They already have an account created (log in through Clever) and can search for the specific topics we are covering in class and practice. Khan Academy is a great resource as well. 

If at any time you have questions about math class, please reach out. My email is above!