
Mrs. Melanie Aleshire - 6th grade music - maleshire@grovecitychristian.org 

Mrs. Makayla Rindler - STEM - mrindler@grovecitychristian.org 

Mr. Phil Claassen - Band - pclaassen@grovecitychristian.org 

Mrs. Denise Senerius - 5th grade music & 5/6 Strings - dsenerius@grovecitychristian.org 

Mr. Noah Tomlinson - Physical Education - ntomlinson@grovecitychristian.org 

Mrs. Abigail Zancudo - Art - azancudo@grovecitychristian.org 

Mark your calendars for the Intermediate Spring Concert on May 14th at 7:00 p.m. 

Report times:  6:30 (band & strings), 6:40 (choirs)  

We look forward to showcasing all intermediate performing arts groups in this performance.  

Concert dress code:



Fifth Grade Choir and General Music Class - 

Fifth grade is continuing to work on notation and terms.  They should be studying the notes we are taking.Please remember that, if a student is absent, he or she should be sure to find out what they missed before the next music class.

Fifth & Sixth Grade Violin: This class will meet on Tuesdays beginning the week of Sept. 9th.  Please try to bring your lunch if possible.  My room is a no nut room, so they should not bring anything with nuts in it please.
Here's to a great, musical year together!

Sixth Grade Music:

I'm enjoying getting to know the 6th graders! We are starting to work on concert music. I am excited to make music together!

Mrs. Aleshire

5th and 6th Grade Band

If you would like a year-long calendar for band events, go here. Note: This calendar has ALL band events 5th-12th grade, so please make sure you read the titles of the events to avoid confusion.

Check out gccsbands.grovecitychristian.org for performances from the school year, in class listening, and more!

Mr. Claassen pclaassen@grovecitychristian.org

5th & 6th Grade STEM: 

We are off to a great start in STEM.  We have been reviewing the foundational concepts of STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math.  Students have been engaging in creative activities that help them to think outside the box.  

We are starting our unit on online safety.  This is a crucial topic as students are spending more and more time online.  During this unit, we will cover important aspects such as protecting personal information, recognizing online risks, and practice responsible behavior online.  It is encouraged that you discuss online safety with your students at home.  Please reach out with any questions!

5th Grade Art:  They continued working on their google doodles! they are looking so cute!

6th Grade Art: We started our concentric paintings to go with our soon to be concentric prints!

5th and 6th Grade PE

This week in PE our intermediate students played a variation of dodgeball where there are four teams competing against each other instead of two.  This required teamwork and creativity and was fun to see our students grow! Next week we will be playing matball.